What are Kor.1 and Kor.2? - SSC OIL CO., LTD.

Kor.1 Kor.2

Contract letter Kor.1 and documents showing management (What is Manifest Form (Kor.2 form)?

What is the contract letter Kor.1?

Kor.1 is Letter of consent between the service user and the service provider for treatment/disposal of waste or unused materials. To insure liability -Liability when transporting sewage and disposing of sewage

Contract book organizer, Kor.1 : Waste Generator / Waste Processor

The period of time specified in the document Kor.1: Conforms to the request form for permission to take waste out of the factory area (SK.2), which is requested for permission as specified by the Department of Industrial Works.

This agreement was made in 3 copies. : Both parties have read and acknowledged the agreement together. So he signed his signature. together with the company seal (if any). Each copy will be sent to the relevant parties, including:

Set 1: Waste Generator

Set 2: Waste Processor

Set 3, Department of Industrial Works

Sample document Kor.1

Form Kor.1

Form Kor.1 Form Kor.1


 Management documents : Manifest Form (Form Kor.2)

Management documents : Manifest Form (Form Kor.2) is Documents governing the transportation of hazardous waste by document form Kor.2 of the originator of the hazardous waste. Must be the person who issued the document Form.Kor.2 and signed (Part 1, originator) to deliver to The hazardous waste transporter appointed by the disposal receiver signs (Part 2, details of transportation of waste or unused materials). Then the transporter, when transported to the receiver, has completed the process. Documents must be delivered in Form Kor.2 to the operator for signature (Part 3, executed by the operator), subsections 3/1, 3/2, 3/3 respectively.

Date of enactment Manifest Form (Form Kor.2) is 1 November 2023

The duration for storing documents (Form Kor.2) is Period 3 years

Sample document form Kor.2

Authorized person to sign part 1, originator Must be appointed by the company or the factory that created it and submitted registration to the Department of Industrial Works through the system i-Industry  To confirm delivery of waste or unused materials as specified.

Form Kor.2 Part 1

Authorized person to sign part 2 Details of transportation of waste or unused materials Must be a transporter appointed by the operator only.

Form Kor.2 Part 2

Authorized person signs in section 3. Recipient performs. Must be a person who has been registered with the Department of Industrial Works through the i-Industry system and has been appointed by the operator to have the authority to sign Section 3 and Subsections 3/1,3/2,3/3. respectively

Form Kor.2 Part 3




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You can view licenses or past works at https://www.thailandwastemanagement.com/

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